Approximate mileage from:
- Lake George, NY: 50 miles
- Albany, NY: 85 miles
- Syracuse, NY: 115 miles
- New York City: 240 miles
E-Charging Stations available at the Lane Emporium, located at the intersections of Routes 30/8 and Route 8.
Piseco Airport, P.O. Box 37, Old Piseco Road, Piseco.
Phone: 518-548-8794 or 518-548-3415
Hours: May-October is attended / November-April, PLEASE CALL
Elv.1, 703. Runway 22-04, 3,015’x60’, N43-27.2 deg. W074-31.06 deg. Fuel 100LL, Unicom 122.8, Vor 115.3 ALB 336.8 deg., 52.7 nm, 111.2 UCA 59.6 deg., 38.1 nm., MIRL, REIL, PAPI, lighting is pilot activated, overnight parking fee.
Accommodations and hiking trails nearby.